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Welcome to our Volunteer Website

Our main website attempts to describe what we do in various areas of ministry. The goal of this website is to describe to volunteers and potential volunteers how we minister. We know we can't answer every question you might have, but we hope this can be a starting point as you discern how God is calling you to get involved with us. Please explore these pages and feel free to reach out when you are ready to ask questions.

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Motel Outreach

Our teams intentionally minister in local counties (your backyard). Our model is simple. We bring food & prayer and have intentional conversations pointing to Jesus' love for each person. As we are able to, we leave resources leading to the next step in life. If there is a girl who needs help getting to a safe place, we make sure that happens.

These teams are for both men and women. People as young as 15 serve with a parent or church leader. We go out Saturday mornings and minister from around 9:00 - 11:30.

Streetlights (BeltLine and Homeless Outreach)

In partnership with Streetlights, we go to the BeltLine in downtown Atlanta and have "conversations that matter". Many of these conversations are recorded for the Street Talk ATL podcast.

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Click the phone to see our current outreach calendars.

More info, great design for any purposes. Illustration, vect

Read our

Training Packet

All of the outreach calendars are on this webpage. Each general area has its own calendar, so you can subscribe to the ones you have interest in. Once you subscribe, you will automatically be notified when we add events in that area.

Please RSVP for the events you would like to participate in no later than the Wednesday before the outreach so we can plan for the correct number of teams. If this is your first time doing outreach with us, we generally meet for an orientation 30 minutes prior to the event start time. The outreach coordinator (listed on the calendar event) will reach out to you with details after you RSVP.

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Letter Writing Team

Women only for this team. This is a powerful ministry reaching the hurting with a letter of love. This ministry is NOT a pen pal relationship, rather it is a one way act of love. Letter writers will write to girls who are incarcerated, in healing programs, in transition and/ or starting new life. Names are given out each month. For more information please contact us.

Starting to Write a Letter

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Pack Supplies

Our street teams all need supplies every month. You and your group could pack toy bags for the kids, bags to be handed to women who may need help, homeless supply bags and/or breakfast sandwiches (wrapped and warmed)

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Host a Night of Awareness and Pop-Up Shop

100% handmade jewelry

100% of proceeds hires a girl to work AND gives a scholarship to a girl entering a healing program

Simple Film Frame

We can come have an interactive night with your group in a home, church, office or school. We can talk about the issues, the hope of healing, and how you can be a part of it. We have set up real walk through stories of girls in your area (identities changed). During this time we can also set up a shop with jewelry made by our girls.

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Diverse group of people praying

Prayer Team

For men and women. Each month prayer requests will be emailed out for you to bring to the throne room of the Great I AM. This is the most powerful place to be in and partner with the heart of God for the ones He loves.

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Sponsor a Girl:

Many of the healing programs have entrance fees and monthly tuition.

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Jail Mentorship

As men and women are incarcerated in jail waiting to know the future, it is a fantastic time to show the love of Jesus. These video visits are done on your own time and at your home. During these visits you will listen, pray and begin to build a path of healing for the individual. Men only visit men, and women only visit women. Training is required to be on this team.

Prisoner with Handcuffs
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Assorted Clothes

Volunteer at the Clothing Closet

We keep our clothing closet clean, organized and current with the inventory that comes in. This is a great opportunity for anyone who likes to clean and organize. All of this is done during times girls are not there.

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Donation Box with Old Clothes from Wardrobe Rack

Donate Clothes

We are always taking new and gently worn clothes and shoes of all sizes and seasons for girls. We also need undergarments and socks that are new with tags or in packages.

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Drive a Girl to Her Healing Program

This is an opportunity to spend quality time with a girl about ready to step into something new. Programs can be up to 3 hours away. Gas can be reimbursed.

Driving car

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Sponsor an International Project

It is our desire to partner with those who are working internationally to set the captive free. As we highlight a project you can partner with us.